Talent Acquisition Practice

Home Services Talent Acquisition Practice

The success and growth of an organisation depends on its people. We believe that journey of empowerment starts from the moment of introduction. Hence, having the right talent for the right role at the right time is critical.

Our focus is to enhance the strengths of an organisation to first, create a proposition that is enticing for potential Talent. The level of support and involvement is extended towards identifying Talent whose skills and aspirations have a strong coupling with the platform of opportunity available with the organisation. This ensures a long, successful and eventually a mutually beneficial relationship between employee and organisation.

Often people think that HR is not a serious business functionin terms of an impact to the organisation. Hav Technologies aims to support the transformation ofs the client organisations.

Our Approach

  • Holistic Analysis

    Understanding client's Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat with respect to their quotient as an Employer.

  • Conceptualize Narrative & Strategy

    Identifying Talent pool and creating enticing value propositions to attract high-quality talent.

  • Organization Values

    Understanding Vision and Mission of organization.

  • Formulate Execution Plan

    Creating a detailed execution plan with clear timelines and objective metrics.

  • Implementation

    Measure and drive performance through internal metrics mapped against Industry, Competition and our internal bench-marks.

  • Recalibration

    Monitor progress to calibrate process and approach in consensus with the client.

Placement Consulting

From staffing startups to placing short term contracts and everything in between, Hav Technologies handles end to end placement needs. Our focus is attracting and identifying the right talent who can make remarkable contributions to an organization.

We don’t gamble with your Success.

Our seamless recruitment process eliminates the guess work. Hav Technologies helps to identify the best fit for the opportunity when the skill, experience and education parameters are met by multiple candidates. Success is more than just skill. It's synergy to the vision, team and values.

  • One Time Placement
  • Contract Staffing

One Time Placement

Hav Technologies is a valued adviser and partner to clients in executive search. Companies approach us when they need to attract and identify talent to fill Executive, Leadership roles or SME’s across divisions inside the client organisation.

One Time Placement

Process Expertice

We follow a thorough method by which we hunt, identify and select the most sought-after and relevant Talent by assessing Candidates on a clear understanding of the expected outcomes and competencies required for the role.


We understand the need for confidentiality from a Client and a Candidate's perspective. All searches are conducted with discretion and urgency, designed to satisfy the expectations and experience of both, the Client and Candidate.

Process Expertice

The world is full of extraordinary Talent. The challenge is finding the Talent that is right for your Organization. Hav Technologies understands responsiveness is not lust about 'Turn Around Time' but also, the importance of this key value.

Contract Staffing

At Hav Technologies we have an in-depth understanding of the myriad of contract staffing permutations; from the straight forward single contract recruit, to incorporated consultants, specialized contract employees, to the subcontracting of entire firms. Offering comprehensive contract staffing services means being able to look at employment in a whole new way, one which is taking a greater importance in today’s rapidly progressing economy.

We have the knowledge and experience in finding and recruiting staff who themselves are adept at working within the contract staffing environment. We believe we’ve garnered sufficient expertise become experts at creating comprehensive temporary employment contracts and providing excellent contract and temp staffing services.

Going Beyond Hassle Free Hiring

  • Our Consultants possess deep personal experience in corporate leadership. As a result, we understand the Boards and the CEOs and are highly sensitive to the issues and pressures you face. We bring an intimate understanding of ethics and sensitivity.
  • We source candidates to meet our clients’ need for skilled and talented workforce in the fields of banking, finance, FMCG, engineering & IT.
  • We help you to respond changing marketing conditions and emerging business opportunities by strategically mobilizing and sizing your workforce to meet the needs of your business, minimize turnover and maintain productivity.
  • Our teams are organized into industry and functional practices to maximize sector specialization and knowledge sharing across the firm. These customer service teams are supported by first-rate associates and researchers, and backed by state-of-the-art technology.